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Tuesday small group

2023-2024 School Year

What – We will be studying the book of Ephesians for the Spring semester. We will seek to develop a deeper understanding of early Church history and understand how the Holy Spirit empowers believers to declare the gospel to the world. We may discuss various themes related to what it means to share the gospel, the challenges that believers/witness will encounter, the continued fulfillment of God’s promises to his Church, among others.

When – Tuesday nights, 7:00pm (ends with the finish of the semester – if uncertain if it is meeting, check with Chris!)

Where – on campus; -please submit the contact form to receive the exact location

Leader – Chris is starting his third year of a PhD program in Material Science and Engineering. He attends St. John’s Lutheran Church in Champaign, IL.

Please use this form below to let Chris know to expect you.

    I'm interested in being in the Tuesday small group

    I have dietary restrictions:

    Please elaborate:

    I would prefer if people wore masks indoors (note: answer is confidential and group size is expected to be less than 15)

    I need a ride to the Tuesday small group

    I can provide a ride for someone who needs a ride

    Any comments?